Lawyers, Trademark/Patent Attorneys - C' wealth law countries

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We examine each matter before we add it on Law-Whiz.


Practising law in a C' wealth law countries means you will be able to:

get invitations OR browse and apply on matters added by clients in your areas of expertise and jurisdiction and/or

ADD matters to brief Barristers to simplify the briefing process.

You may review each matter added by clients before you accept an invitation or apply on cases.

Payment is ONLY upon confirmation of an invitation or application by clients. You may then have full access to clients' contact details

Briefing Barristers

Payment is only required when you send invitation(s) to brief Barristers. You may send as many as you like on each matter. You will only be charged once for each matter that is added.

You may also receive applications from Barristers on your added briefs.

Please refer to the Pricing tab for more.